

As I have only 30 minutes for my lunch break this Saturday, the first to come to mind is sushi restaurant. I was just at the other sushi bar the other day but I can’t help it. It’s like no choice but good decision to be healthy diner. With just 4 plates consumed, it has replenished my lost energy for my 4 classes in the morning and got extra energy for my next 6 classes.

Totoyamichi Sushi Restaurant is a lot closer to my schoolhouse but more expensive than Sushiro, the one I ate my brunch yesterday. It’s actually double the price. Pricier but tastes better.

For today, I ordered a fancy mini-cookpot that serves as my soup & viand. It’s cooked for about 10 minutes and devoured so quickly. The other orders were tempura, okra sushi for my veggie and salmon sushi. The pickled ginger is to die for. :). I’m taking it as good natural, organic medicine. Thank God for not having a cold in my whole stay in Japan; maybe due to this sour & little biting pickles.

Yes, lots of hot green tea drinks to keep me from the wintry cold season now. This popular Japanese drink is getting popular as a great anti-oxidant, internal body cleansing and even considered lengthening life plus whitening skin. Whatever it is, no other hot drink in sushi bars.

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