Showing 1-10 of 138 results


May 21, 2021

Open door in Japan! Here’s one way to enter this once closed country: https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Japan-Immigration/Japan-to-receive-60-000-nursing-helpers-in-new-visa-program As an aging society, there’s a big demand in the caregiver industry. Imagine the politicians talking how they can welcome “gaijin” (foreign) workers. What a big difference …


May 21, 2021

Hope this article would be of good service to locals & internationals in Japan. This is also a good site for our students who would like to travel around the world and know where to contact their embassies. As Japan …

TESOL/TEFL Course Content

February 6, 2021

Unit One Introduction  to  Teaching  English  as  a  Foreign  Language Methodologies:  Behaviorism  Audiolingualism  The  ‘Natural  Way‘ Humanistic Approaches Unit Two Grammar Terms  and  Definitions Countable  and  Uncountable  nouns Tenses Verbs,  Modal  and  Auxiliary Conditions  Unit Three Teaching and Learning Grammar Presenting a Structure Grading Language Mistakes and Correction Recycling Language Practice and Production Unit Four Teaching vocabulary …

Coaching apprentices to become specialists!

November 27, 2020

Facebook Ads Creatives to Management to Marketing plus Website SEO Who could have thought I’ll be teaching online and even about digital marketing using the world’s biggest platform?! Last night until wee hours today, 2 apprentices of FVA Japan Batch …

Celebrating Japan-Philippine Friendship

November 18, 2020

Ms. Hannah Galvez was invited to be one of the resource speakers. She shared her experiences in establishing friendship with the local people. In her almost 30 years in Japan, she travelled in many prefectures and met many Filipinos. She …

Japan Open Doors

November 18, 2020

Would you like to study in Japan?   Sharing a post from the Japanese Embassy in the Philippines.   You can share to your family & friends. JENESYS 2020 Japan-ASEAN AOIP Online Exchange! University Students of ASEAN member states are invited …

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Life is Good

September 7, 2020

Who could have thought that after almost 40 years, our high school classmates can meet again! We graduated from different elementary schools and entered La Union National High School in 1978. It was during our time that our school was …

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